The Struggle Is Real

Summer isn't always about fun times. Sometimes the change in schedules, vacations, increase in activity levels, and greater body awareness can make it more challenging to stay on track with our goals and food plans. Struggling is a part of the recovery process, perfection is not. Nothing is perfect about learning to live in recovery or the process of recovering. The slip-ups and the struggle create opportunities to grow, to learn, to fine-tune skills and strengthen relapse prevention plans.

Struggle is NOT a sign of failure. Think about the struggle as an opportunity. What is the opportunity here to teach you? How can that knowledge and insight be of practical use to you? Study the struggle and use what you learn to strengthen the support you provide for yourself. If you determine it is more than an isolated incident, desire more support or assistance in working through the lapse or plateau, use support from family and friends and or schedule a few therapy sessions. give us a call. Control the lapse by seeking help in order to prevent a relapse.

Whatever you do, don't let the struggle get you to the place where you quit. Value and protect what you have worked so hard to create and establish. Early intervention is always the key to successfully resolving the situation. And remember to be compassionate with yourself and use the information for your greater good, to empower yourself and wellness. 

Nancy Albus LPC, NCC, CEDS 


A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Dream